Artist - Plasmoptysis
Album - Breeds Of The Malevolence
Year - 2010
Genre - Brutal Death Metal
Web -
Country - Bandung, Indonesia
1. A Putrescent Inception
2. Eda Maneh!!
3. Carnage
4. Breeds Of The Malevolence
5. The New Age Of Human Putrefaction
6. Seeds Of Torment
7. Devouring The Banished Mortal Remains
8. Infecting The Immaculateness
9. Darah Tumbal
10. Dasamuka
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Pojok Bawah Tanah
Release Music

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- it's individual authors are not responsible for any content linked or referred to from this site. We do not host any of the content. All content on this site is linked to popular media hosting websites like Rapidshare and Megaupload, uploaded by other parties that we are not responsible for. If you like what you're hearing go out and buy the albums, go to shows, buy merch, and just support the bands. This blog's primary purpose is for promotion of the music we love, not piracy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PojokBawahTanah dan individu penulis tidak bertanggung jawab atas konten apapun yang terhubung atau dirujuk dari situs ini. Blog ini tujuan utama adalah untuk mempromosikan musik yang kita cinta, bukan pembajakan.
Artist - Mastabah
Album - Quintessence Of Evil
Year - 2010
Genre - Brutal Deathmetal
Web -
Country - Poland
1. Shithole
2. Human Gut
3. Hunger
4. The Show
5. Revelation
6. Blind
7. Humanity Is A Lie
8. Fleshart
9. Rotting Reality
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Album - Three For One Slaughter For Fun
Year - 2010
Genre - Brutal Death Metal
Web -
Country - Usa
1. Die Already 2. Blood Drenched Cum Bag
3. A Feast For Dead Eyes
4. Ripped Apart To Nothing
5. Sins of the Father
6. Hackum and Sackum
7. Sick E Von Brutal
8. Putrid Corpse Fuck
9. The Attack of Sick E Von Brutal
10. Back from the Grave
11. Shred the Dead
12. Warning May Cause Death
13. Greetings and Welcome To the Show
14. Murder Happy Party People
15. My Yummy Valentine
16. Oh No Fred Is Dead
17. Pitter Patter People Splatter
18. Happy Slaughter Sing Along
19. Brain Stain
20. Saw Happy
21. Dead Hog Bitch
22. In the Heat of the Slaughter
23. Finger Lickin Good
24. Fucking Blood On My New Shoes
25. Shredded With A Razor Edge Dime
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Artist - September Murder
Album - Agony In Flesh
Year - 2009
Genre - Melodic Deathmetal
Web -
Country - Thale, Germany
1. ...And The Entrails Fill The Sea
2. Slavery Of Heartdisruption
3. Breathing Cadaver
4. After Every Setting Sun
5. Between Grass And Guilt
6. To Satisfy The Eyes Of An Obsessed
7. Again, It Crossed My Way
8. Agony In Flesh
Album - Anesthetize Plastic Memories
Year - 2009
Genre - Technical Death Metal / Experimental
Web -
Country - Rancagua, Santiago, Chile
1. Reborn Noise - Intro
2. Inductive Blindness Treatment
3. Alice Aphorism
4. Anesthetize Silence
5. Dying Heart
6. When The Gravity Sleeps
7. Compresor de Víctimas en Gestación
8. Impregnated Resentful Dominance
9. Colorless Face
Genre - Brutal Death Metal
Country - Bandung, Indonesia
Web -
2. Kitab Tak Bertuhan
3. Bangkai Para Pendosa
4. Resurrection Of Murder
5. Nista Maja Utama
6. Inhuman Treatment
7. Simpuh Tubuh Terbunuh
8. Utah Getih

Genre - Brutal Death Metal/ Death Metal
Country - Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Web -
2.Flesh And Blood
3.Summon Infernal Spirit
4.Hatred Creation
5.Regorging The Decimated
6.At Your Dying Faith
7.Senseless Revenge
8.Beyond The Black
9.Criminally Insane (Slayer Cover)
Year - 2009
Genre - Brutal Death Metal
Country - Indonesia (Surabaya, East Java)
Web -
1. Tanpa Perlawanan
2. Amarah
3. Sugra Itu Gelap
4. Setubuhi Denoam
5. Lapuerga
6. Polusi Jiwa
7. The Revenger
8. Damage Breath
Band - Babi Liar
Genre - Brutal Death Metal/ Death Metal
Country - Bandung, Indonesian
Web -
Track List :
- Babi Liar - Intro [Download]
- Babi Liar - Creature of Mean Birth [Download]
- Babi Liar - Bangkai Terkutuk [Download]
Band - VA
Album - Dimensi Kematian
Year - 2008
Genre - Brutal Death Metal/ Death Metal/ Metal
Country - Indonesia
Tracklist :
1. Plasma Weed - Ibuku Pelacur
2. Mantra - Fate Confiscation
3. Eternal Bleeding - Military
4. Kremush - Infiltrasi Budaya
5. Abhored Desriser - Abhorred
6. Imprecatory - Prostitusy
7. Katarak - Overdose Is Suicide
8. Desecration - Bloodust A3
9. Vile - Drenged Epidemic
10. Sinisitis - Victim Of Hunger
11. Bloody Gore - Bodily Levitation
12. Perfect Maggots - Feast On The Rotten Flesh
13. Burning Grave - Blody Land
14. Qishash - Up To The Lies
15. Helljanatish - Mistake Redemtion
16. Trauma - Human Suffering
Year - 2009
Genre - Death Metal/ Brutal Death Metal
Country - BANDUNG, Indonesian
Tracklist :
2. Devours - Eksploitasi Garis Atas
3. Jihad - Malaikat Berontak
4. Dazecortica - Phlegmatic Killer
5. Forgotten - Serapah Laknat
6. Hellbeyond - The StrongeST Stand Last
7. Undergod - kudak kadek
8. Depravity - Squezze Bite And Devours
9. Necrogrind - Utah Buyatak
10. Nakedtruth - Broken Mind
11. Detriment - Mind Purulency
12. Disculture - Lebak Bubat
13. Mortir - Mental Butchery
14. Embalmed - Pantat
15. Bloodgush - Born Against God
16. Disincarnation - Exemplification Of Malformation Surgery
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18. Finger In The Troath - Throttle The Gentleman
19. Esophagus - Entrails Destruction
20. Plasmoptysis - Carnage
21. Bleeding Corpse - Eksekusi Mati
22. Cranial - Flatery Of The Hell Island
23. Decrypted - Sadistis
24. Digging Up - Imprecated Ritual Killing
25. Sedusa - God Grant For Result Punishment
26. Interment Paganism - Mutilasi
27. Edencollapse - Sunda Of Barbarity
28. Jasad - Kujang Rompang
29. Despair - Sivillian Mutilated
30. Pleural Effusion - I Dig My Own Grave
31. Opium - manstrubation of murder
32. Devoid - Biological Decease
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Artist - Arsis
Album - Starve for the Devil
Year - 2010
Genre - Technical Melodic Death Metal
Web -
Country - Virginia Beach, USA
1. Forced to Rock
2. A March for the Sick
3. From Soulless to Shattered (Art in Dying)
4. Beyond Forlorn
5. The Ten of Swords
6. Closer to Cold
7. Sick Perfection
8. Half Past Corpse O'Clock
9. Escape Artist
10. Sable Rising
Band - Turbidity
Album - Path Of Mutilated [Demo]
Year - 2009
Genre - Slamming Brutal Death
Country - Bandung, Indonesia
Web -
Tracklist :
1. Path Of Mutilated
2. Marah Termuntah
3. Persetubuhan Sedarah

Album : Single ' Perintah Tak Bertuan '
Country : Bandung, Indonesia
Genre : DeathMetal
Web :
Album - The Schematic Diagram Of Hate Distribution
Year - 2009
Genre - Brutal Death Metal/ Technical/ Grindcore
Country - Indonesia
Web -
1. Intro
2. The Omen
3. When Life And Death Unite
4. The Burned
5. Hatred
6. Suffer
7. Kill...Kill...Kill
8. Number Six
9. Carnivorous
10. Outro
11. Devotes Of Pain
12. Image Of Despair
13. Unorthodox
14. End Of All
15. When Your Breath Contains The Hate
Band - Asphyxiate
Year - 2009
Genre - Brutal Death Metal
Country - Bekasi, Indonesia
Web -
1. Anatomy of Perfect Bestiality
2. Knife in Womb
3. Gallery from the Killing Field
4. Intestinal Stabwound
5. Torso Putrefaction
6. 340
7. he Insidious Theater
8. Blood Flavor
9. Educations of Murder
10. False Concept of Self Mutilation [Outro]
Artist - Remnants Of Flesh
Album - Degenerated Human Cells
Year - 2009
Genre - Technical Death Metal
Web -
Country - Greece
1. Intro
2. Regurgitate Purification
3. Condemned To Lacerate
4. Intestinal Disgorge
5. Exticing
6. Cadaverous Pregnancy
7. Pit Of Despair
8. Oblivious To The Unborn God
9. Degenerated Human Cells
Artist - Arkaik
Album - Reflections Within Dissonance
Year - 2010
Genre - Technical / Brual Death Metal
Web -
Country - Usa
1. The Transcendent Spectral Path
2. Reflections Within Dissonance
3. Paradigm
4. Obscured Luminosity
5. Womb Of Perception
6. The Divine Manifestation
7. Malignant Ignorance
8. Elemental Synthesis
9. Elegy for the Disillusioned
10. Face Of Regression
Artist - Dark Tranquillity
Album - We Are The Void
Year - 2010
Genre - Melodic Death Metal
Web -
Country - Sweden
1. Shadow In Our Blood
2. Dream Oblivion
3. The Fatalist
4. In My Absence
5. The Grandest Accusation
6. At The Point Of Ignition
7. Her Silent Language
8. Arkhangelsk
9. I Am The Void
10. Surface The Infinite
11. Iridium
Artist - Jack Slater
Album - Extinction Aftermath
Year - 2010
Genre - Technical Death Metal
Web -
Country - Germany
1. Pheromon
2. Dysthymia
3. Martyr
4. Funkenflug
5. Happy Hour
6. Omniscience
7. 4 8 15 16 23 42
8. Konstrukt
9. Resser Frednik
10. Extinction Aftermath
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Artist - Vulvectomy
Album - Post-Abortion Slut Fuck
Year - 2010
Genre - Brutal Death Metal
Web -
Country - Roma, Italy
1. Gangrenous Testicular Deformity
2. Female Stress Urinary Incontinence
3. Adolescent Vaginal Gourmet
4. Eugenic Sterilization
5. Charred Scrotal Fragments
6. Post Partum Depression Foeticide
7. Blunt Rectal Impalement
8. Drowned in Afterbirth
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